Understanding Ministries is the publishing arm of the teaching of Paul Fahy. Paul lives in southern England and has exercised a teaching ministry in various churches since 1971. He has planted house churches and had a wide experience of church life since then. Until recently he served as a pastor-teacher in a house church in Brighton. Part of Paul’s ministry is conducted through the Internet, counselling and teaching. His teaching articles are first sent out to subscribers across the world; if you wish to join this list, or for a full list of his papers, contact him at Understanding Ministries.
Paul’s theology is essentially Reformed (consistent Calvinism) but he does not blindly follow the traditions of men. The thinking of too many supposed Calvinists is hampered by narrow thinking, and in many ways is opposed to the actual teaching of John Calvin. In all essential matters Paul is informed by Reformed theology, but he is not a paedobaptist, he questions some aspects of the historic development Covenant Theology, and his teaching on church is radically Biblical. However, Paul is consistent and historic regarding the Doctrines of Grace, unlike many Reformed preachers.
Some of his favourite theologians include: Herman Bavinck, RL Dabney, JL Dagg, Herman Hoeksema, WGT Shedd, Robert Reymond, David Engelsma, BB Warfield, Herman Hanko, JH Thornwell, Francis Turretin, John Brown of Haddington, JL Girardeau, AW Pink, Martin Luther and John Calvin. However, he reads widely and is happy to learn from anyone who upholds the authority of the Bible (even if he disagrees on some points). He is fond of the Puritans (especially J Flavel, R Sibbes, J Owen, T Brooks, T Watson and T Goodwin), the Reformers, many Baptists (especially CH Spurgeon and John Gill), many historic Anglicans (such as A Toplady, M Henry, JC Ryle, W Parks, Henry Law), but also some Brethren teachers (such as GH Lang, CH Mackintosh), independents (such as Martyn Lloyd-Jones and John Bunyan) and Lutherans such as RCH Lenski.
He endorses the early ecumenical creeds and all Reformed standards, including: the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of the Synod of Dordt of Presbyterians; the First London (1644) & 1689 Confessions of the English Baptists; the Savoy Declaration of Congregationalists; and the Lambeth & 39 Articles of Anglicans. On a few minor points he would dissent.
He is happy to take genuine questions and offer counsel, as far as he is physically able and has time, but has no desire for pointless arguments and point-scoring.
He is entirely motivated to serve God and honour Christ in all that he says and does, and has devoted his life (despite much suffering) to that end. He also seeks to edify believers in order to equip them to serve God better, as far as he is able.
Copyright © Understanding Ministries 1990 - 2025
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version © Thomas Nelson 1982.