A new series where I share my thoughts on relevant subjects, mostly current affairs. I often get asked for such but only those who ask get to hear them in emails. Many times people have said that my comments were helpful and should be written down, but other projects meant that I had no time to spend on short issues. However, it seem that collecting a series of short considerations in one paper may be of some use; hence the occasional thoughts series. It may also reduce repeating things in various emails.So, I trust these thoughts may be of some interest; no doubt some folk will be provoked, but my intention is to focus upon the truth of a thing.

UK paedophiles; free energy; government lies; plastic bags; Putin; chemtrails; migrants.

Philanthropy, social breakdown, ghost Christians, killer bacon, boys will be girls, the basis of politics, the UN and world government.

True saints, sensitivity to sin, worldliness, governmental madness, Cameron’s folly, Statins: a final solution.

Democracy?; World War threat; Revelation vs. emotionalism; The Paris attacks; Attempted destruction of the church; Suffering versus sovereignty.

Virtue versus Truth. Pursuing God’s will. Predatory tactics. Weapons – common sense. Making evil good. Economic collapse.

Zika – Freaka. Frankenstein-trees. ‘Alimentary, my dear Watson’. Drums of war.

A call for clarity from Imams. The current war in western society. Where are the apocalyptic Brexit events? The continuing denial of democracy. Theresa May. The media war hiding the build up to a hot war.