A strong critique of David Engelsma's book 'Bound To Join'. I have long admired Engelsma as being one of the best Calvinistic teachers in the world; many of his works have helped me in the last 20 years. However, his denomination has become more and more exclusive and now he (and others associated with him) make cultic statements and give extremely bad counsel. This could not be ignored and, sadly, I have had to critique this awful work.

In this paper some detail problems with Reformed theology is identified.

We are living in a world infused with occultism, both overtly and by stealth. Our leaders are pursuing occult objectives set by Luciferians in control. This is the wound of the beast that was healed. This paper explains how occultism started and spread but was then dealt a death blow only to be reborn when Satan was loosed in the mid-1800s.

The latest serious error from Chalke was passed on to me a while ago. Normally I would ignore acting on this and just file away the evidence, but this required combating. There is an assault on the word of God going on today, from widely esteemed people, and this must be condemned. Therefore, this paper exposes Chalke's errors and shows why he holds them. The subject matter is gay partnerships, championed by Chalke.

This is a strident warning to the modern failing church, a church that pats itself on the back and parties, despite the fact that there are fewer and fewer Christians in the country and paganism reigns. The church is fiddling while Rome burns. This is a repetition of the failings of Israel, which God warned through the ministry of Isaiah. Such warning are pertinent today, as this paper reveals.

A refutation of the claims and Bible translation of Christopher Sparkes. Be warned.

A paper written to defend a wrongly criticised friend. The argument may give the reader helpful understanding about the matter (and debate) of law and grace.

Having had requests for this, here is a paper on the teaching of John Piper. There are grave problems with what this man preaches. Be warned.

This paper helps in understanding that the concoction that is ‘Jewish Roots’ is an evil, compromised and idolatrous religion that is neither Christianity nor Judaism but heresy to both.

This is an exposé of a very serious false teacher and a very unpleasant person. I know that some of you have friends who follow this man because you have asked for my help previously. Here is a simple summary of some of his errors and an example of his vile defamation found in one video of a speech. I then analyse and comment on the points he makes and the character he manifests. Though much could be written about this man, and I have done so years ago, this short paper is all that you really need; he stands condemned by his own words and attitude. This should help you have ammunition to assist your friends.

This paper reminds of the importance to stop pretending that everything is fine and the problems in the ecclesiastical world are all out there with somebody else. Sure Charismatic churches have many problems but Reformed churches have almost as many and this needs repenting of.

This paper exposes a number of church gimmicks in recent history that effectively distracted Christians from centring on Christ.

A short history of inspirational (Charismatic) movements in history showing how they prefigured much of what is going on in the Charismatic Movement today. The difference is that these were tested, confronted and condemned in history by godly church leaders.

This is a concise reference book analysing all the main cults and sects that call themselves 'Christian'. There is value in understanding where these went wrong as a warning to us to be cautious.

I recently wrote a critique of a book by Mark Dunman on Christian Zionism which was well received by some of my readers. I gave Mark the opportunity to respond and welcomed a personal debate. He refrained from debate but wrote a response. There is no point in uploading this response as it is tedious, meandering and filled with errors of interpretation and theology. However, there are arguments in my reply to this which may be of some use to readers.

In preparing me to meet him at a conference, I read some of Edwards' newer books. I write this criticism with sadness, because he became heretical since his last range of material published.

This is a paper sent to a website which is promoting evangelistic partnerships in Sussex (UK). It is blatant Arminianism and appears to be associated with the Elim church. Clearly the host of that website does not seem to realise that this Gospel is false, unbiblical and completely contradictory to both God's character and his word. Some of you are in this catchment area in Sussex. You need to be aware of the basis of this initiative if your pastor makes alliances.

A synopsis of the theological systems behind current UK church streams.

A sobering paper on just how bad the modern church is and why. Every few years I write on the downgrade of the church and each time the situation is worse. We need to consider the radical, Biblical strategies that some of us have been proclaiming for decades.

There is a growing problem with believers centring their Christian lives on Israel and all things Jewish. This is a deception to distract people from focusing upon Christ.

Compiling this paper was not pleasant. Nevertheless is was necessary to warn believers and show that Fish's arguments are unsound.

This is a paper that shows you what Charismatic global revivalists think, how they behave and what they claim. I then show what Jesus and the apostles actually teach, which is the direct opposite. Those who teach the opposite of Jesus are following a satanic strategy. No more need be said.

A paper showing how important the inner life of the believer is and how externalism rules in many churches today. Externalism produces dead works; communing with Christ leads to spiritual fruit. I trust it will be helpful.

It is shocking what passes for the Gospel in many modern churches, particularly Charismatic churches. We must take great care to ensure that the message we proclaim is Scriptural and honours God.

A reader asked me to explain this subject, so here is its history and content. 'Fundamentalist' is not a useful term for Biblical believers, though the movement did some good things.