We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the full knowledge of God.
The apostle Paul wants believers in Christ to be able to understand, be wise and have full knowledge about God and his will. Understanding Ministries aims to stimulate Biblical understanding and edify Christian readers by publishing expository and doctrinal articles that not only discuss Biblical subjects, but encourage further study. In addition there will be articles of historical and practical interest plus controversial subjects.
Understanding Ministries does not belong to any denominational stable, but upholds the final authority of the Bible in all matters and the tenets of historic Evangelical Christian standards. In terms of salvation, the author affirms the Doctrines of Grace as held by Reformed theologians. The author seeks to glorify God through the Lord Jesus Christ by publishing these papers.
Permission is granted to copy or redistribute these papers if credit of the source is given.
Latest updates
Your children are under direct psychological attack in schools by people that hate God. This has been a deliberate infiltration to destroy education for over 100 years as part of a plan to ruin society. Learn about the history, perpetrators, strategies and goal of this here.
This is a very important paper. Christians should not fall for the errors of Dispensationalism which lead to supporting fleshly Israel. The Jews of today are not the same as the Israelites of the OT; in fact the majority are not even Semitic. Modern Judaism is nothing like the theology and liturgical system of the Tabernacle or Temple. In fact, it is a fabricated system developed by the enemies of Jesus, the Pharisees, including Babylonian occult elements. Just as Jesus affirmed that the Pharisees were Satanic so also modern Judaism, created by the Pharisees, is equally Satanic. Beware.
15 December 2024: He restores my soul
This paper is an important explanation of the reasons why the soul needs restoration and how it occurs.
This paper is a summary explanation of the global Elite with particular attention to the ideologies they espouse. It also gives Biblical texts warning about various aspects, plus a timeline of key developments and an extensive bibliography.
Governments are accountable to God and must follow God’s law as stewards of the power to rule in equity. Recent UK governments have been exceedingly wicked. Yet the current Starmer government has exceeded those before in evil within three months. This paper explains why.
This is an important but controversial paper; it pulls no punches. It assesses church leadership in the last 70 years and shows it wanting. It also gives much Biblical data on God’s will for leaders and church meetings and many historical examples of good and bad leadership. There is also a resource section on helpful books and catalogues of historical leaders and heretics. For those who want to do church right, this paper is indispensable.
30 September 2024: A Warning to Hospitals
This paper, which was sent to heads of the NHS, reveals the dangers posed by Battery-powered devices. There is much useful data on EVs.
29 September 2024: The new religion
The policy of the Elite to destroy Christianity is coupled with a plan to create a new global religion. This currently has many strands demanding faith which will coalesce into a multi-faceted ideology.
15 September 2024: God’s judgments in the earth
This paper explains God’s temporal judgments, giving Biblical examples. It then explains how sin detrimentally affects the Earth and how wickedness is now rampant in the world. Then follows the signs of Earth buckling under the strain of sin with multiple pointers to impending natural calamities.
This paper explains the two different types of Muslim from a social perspective. One integrates into Western society and is secular; the other is religious, follows the strict teachings of Muhammad and can never integrate. In fact, it is committed to Islamification of society by any means.
We are in a critical time. Free speech is being viciously attacked in the UK. I explain the circumstances and show why this is important.
This is an important summary of the teachings, character and problems of mysticism. Many people are thoroughly confused about mysticism and even adopt pagan ideas as a result. Be warned. Be wise.
21 July 2024: The Toxic Warfare
The world around you is toxic; far more than you could ever imagine. This paper explains this in some detail. This information can help you avoid being slowly poisoned.
This paper explains the various doctrines comprised within the framework of salvation.
29 June 2024: The character of Satan
This paper gives a detailed explanation of Satan’s character while also showing how this is manifested in his human proxies in the global Elite cabal.
To answer questions from readers, this paper describes my political principles. In short, I am apolitical. I despise political parties but support good governance based on truth and righteousness with representative MP’s selected on integrity and merit.
This book-length paper fully explains what the Bible teaches on all issues related to modern life and the difficulties we all face. It explains perennial questions, such as: why am I here; what is the meaning of life; how did everything begin; what is the origin of evil; where did civilisation start; what happens in the future; is there life after death; what is truth? There are answers to objections and explanations of current fad topics. In short, this seeks to reveal the Bible’s answer to all the problems people search for answers to. It is an apologetic of the true revelation of God.
This shows the Biblical importance of the family. It is a necessary background to the recent controversy about Alistair Begg.
A complete analysis of the 9/11 false flag but in concise bullet points and simple terms. This is the product of 23 years of research and consideration. The chief perpetrator is exposed.
This book length paper seeks to explain the madness that is going on in society, how it is coming to a head this year and the next two years, what the background is and where this is all going. Each section has its own warnings and explanations. The introductory background section is useful on its own which incorporates a Biblical explanation of what is predicted. This paper is full of important data with over 100 references plus sectional bibliographies. There is also a section on what can be done that includes very practical suggestions. Nevertheless, the situation is dire indeed and the seriousness of what is planned must be understood. Everyone needs to be informed about this.
18 January 2024: My position on Jews
This paper demonstrates that, on the one hand, we must love individual Jews just as any other people. On the other hand, we must be aware of the evil prescribed in Talmudic and Kabbalistic Judaism, and condemn it.
30 December 2023: How Christian cults develop
This paper analyses how Christian cults develop and why they are wrong. There are many examples to illustrate the issues.
26 December 2023: The great dumbing down
This paper explains the general dumbing down process that has been going on for decades as well as the recent significant decrease in cognitive ability that began after the Covid vaccine rollout.
16 December 2023: The Cabal: Basic Principles
This paper explains the essential characteristics of the ruling Elite cabal that dominates governments. Written for those with no knowledge of the subject, it shows what the cabal is, what its goals are and how it achieves them.
This paper explains how the church in the world has become corrupted going back to the second century. Today the pollution is complete.
This long paper explains the background necessary to understand the current conflict. This history is understood by few, yet it is vital to confront massive propaganda lies.
30 October 2023The real problem with sin
This paper is not only a reminder of many elements involved when the believer sins, but also points out the main issue and what is more important to devil.
This is a refutation of the facile arguments of proponents claiming that words equal spells.
This paper explains how we walk and whether we should always be positive.
A refutation of the claims and Bible translation of Christopher Sparkes. Be warned.
7 October 2023How to pray
This paper is a basic handbook on prayer showing what is Biblical and what is wrong.
A paper on Baalism in the Bible and history with an evaluation of how a new Baalism is being evidenced in the world today.
12 September 2023Visions, to be or not to be
This paper fully analyses the subject of visions and whether they are to be expected and sought today.
A simple, concise paper explaining the Biblical way of seeking power.
24 August 2023Few are chosen (2)
The problem of apostate churches and professing believers.
A short paper proving that climate alarmist policies are detrimental to the planet.
Due to considerable interest in a section of my last paper, I have now excerpted it and expanded it significantly here.
This paper explains how and why the world is insane.
A simple analysis explaining why the Antichrist is corporate, sinful, humanity at the end.
The background to a redundant question used by atheists.
This paper explains answers to an unbelieving friend's tough questions rarely asked by believers. How are the elect, in huge numbers, saved and why did Christ not require eternal condemnation to gain remission of sins, plus other questions.
This paper takes the example of project control and applies it to the qualifications needed in church leadership. It is provocative.
This paper explains the various reasons why most people cannot, or will not, understand that there is a global, satanic, conspiracy.
This is an important and lengthy resource. It shows how all the negative changes in society were planned long ago. The key events, reports, books, papers, conferences are all listed. This contains huge amounts of information.
22 April 2023Spiritual Warfare
This paper explains the importance of understanding the times and fighting the right battles.
This paper explains why the West is pursuing utterly stupid policies. It is part of the satanic war against God.
These are two concise fact-file papers (above and below) to summarise key points. Useful for passing on.
This paper summarises all the lies of the western media and the Elite cabal regarding the Ukrainian conflict.
This is a paper examining why good people fall.
This paper explains why the Regulative principle is necessary to be applied.
12 January 2023Hell, why it is everlasting
This proves that divine punishment is eternal.
6 December 2022: Dissent and Non-Conformism
This paper explains he importance of dissent and individual thinking.
3 December 2022Covid vaccine facts
This paper gives a concise but thorough breakdown of the facts surrounding Covid vaccines.
This paper explains the hidden attack on community behind Covid social restrictions.
1 November 2022The character of the end
This paper delineates the characteristics of the end and compares them to current events.
This paper explains the genocide that is currently underway. It is also a commentary on numerous issues going on around the world. There is a huge amount of data here.
15 September 2022Junia male or female
This paper puts paid to the claim that Junia is a female name.
This paper does what the title suggests. There is also a useful summary of the Biblical position regarding the end.
This is an expansion on a statement I have made in a previous paper that Jesus is viewed as the Word of God in Islam.
4 September 2022: Child Sacrifice
This paper shows how satanically inspired rulers have always sacrificed children. What society is doing today is a continuation of this in various ways.
28 August 2022Wake up already
This is a warning to wake up and see what is going on around you - the attempted destruction of Christianity and Godly principles in society.
17 August 2022: Obeying the state
This clarifies the limits of obedience to the state and when to disobey.
12 August 2022The end time remnant
This is a short exposition of an important Biblical subject that is very pertinent today.
8 August 2022: The Lie
This explains the devil's basic lie that undergirds all forms of false religion.
1 August 2022Leviathan and Behemoth
 A simple study explaining what Leviathan and Behemoth most likely are.
This book gives you all the foundational information on the global Elite that you need.
5 July 2022How to think
In an age devoid of critical thinking, this paper gives guidelines on how to think with discernment.
15 June 2022: The Chaos Strategy
This paper explains the purposes behind the current chaos.
This paper explains why the global elite despises and fears Russia.
31 May 2022: Pervasive lying
This paper explains the satanic end time pervasive lying.
This paper analyses the phenomenon of white pilled Christianity and finds it wanting.
28 April 2022: Covid-19 and Snake Venom
This paper explains the claim that snake venom is present in SARS-Cov-2, Remdesivir and Covid vaccines.
This simple diagram explains the causes of the current global crisis.
14 April 2022: Faith and Reason
This simple paper explains when reason is useful and when it is not.
The world is facing a severe crisis of its own making. Understand and prepare.
This paper analyses an important question. Many give the wrong answer, which dishonours God.
An analysis of this Biblical question.
13 March 2022: Stop wearing facemasks
People are still wearing face-masks with some authorities mandating them despite many institutions cancelling them. This habit is dangerous.
The mass psychosis is operating again, this time to vilify Putin. This paper explains what is really happening and why. Do not believe the media.
This is a simple, concise paper demonstrating that the climate change agenda is a pack of unscientific lies to pursue an evil agenda.
This paper analyses all the claims which the establishment derided as Covid conspiracy theories, which have been proved to be correct. It includes some new and important information.
26 January 2022: Why witchcraft is wrong
This paper shows the origin, constituents and character of witchcraft, showing why it is wrong.
This single sheet of paper explains why the Covid vaccines are a tragedy.
This paper fully explains the Gospel using only Bible verses with no comment.
This paper is self-explanatory.
19 December 2021: What lies beyond
Many claim to have the answer to the question about the afterlife. Only the word of God makes the most sense and offers hope. This paper explains.
This is an essay on the qualities of a Christian marriage that make it biblical.
12 December 2021: The Institutions Have Fallen
This is an essay about the collapse of Western cultural institutions and what we do in the face of this.
Warning: do not read if you are vaccinated and of a nervous disposition. This paper explains why the Covid vaccines are bio-weapons. They cause multiple harms and kill in various ways, some fast, some slowly. However, there is reason for hope. Not all the vaccines are harmful, some are placebos. I also show how best to reverse the effects.
29 November 2021: Climate change, simple facts
Herewith a simple, short summary of why the climate change agenda is a pack of lies.
24 November 2021The assault on epistemology
This paper shows the massive attack on truth from all sides which leads to populations being programmed and conditioned. This is especially prevalent in universities dominated by Progressive Marxists. Parents must confront this propaganda if evidenced in their children. No matter how painful it is to shatter their world narrative, if you don't get them to see the truth and discard the lies, you will lose them to the enemy. Sadly, few parents even see the need to do this.
20 November 2021: Covid narrative was planned
This simple tabular diagram proves that the highly unusual global Covid response was planned for years.
10 November 2021Demonology
Here is a Biblical analysis of demonology. It corrects a number of false modern ideas about demons and shows our victory over them in Christ.
31 October 2021: You have been played
I realised that a very concise leaflet, two sides of one page, would be an ideal way of summarising what has happened in the last two years and what the purpose is. Of course, this limited space is forced to omit many issues, but it is the best way to inform ignorant people. This format will enable you to make multiple copies to give your friends.
28 October 2021The corporate manslaughter
This paper explains the genocide of the elderly during the Covid fake crisis. God will hold those responsible to account.
18 October 2021: How the world was coerced
This paper explains the well-known brainwashing techniques that produce complicity and how they were used by the government against you.

10 October 2021The next pandemic scare

A short paper warning you of a possible new scare tactic used to cover up Covid vaccine deaths.
3 October 2021: Life what is the point
What is the purpose of life? I explain.
This paper explains how Australia has become a totalitarian nation, with satanic policies dominating everyone in a police state. However, the main point is that this is a model for all nations. Be prepared.
23 September 2021: It’s not about a virus
This paper proves that totalitarian government measures were nothing to do with a virus but were to drive a vaccine programme. I explain what this programme is for.
19 September 2021Satan seeks to devour
This paper seeks to explain how the Devil captures people. It is a doctrine that most churches ignored in the last year.
We are living in a world infused with occultism, both overtly and by stealth. Our leaders are pursuing occult objectives set by Luciferians in control. This is the wound of the beast that was healed. This paper explains how occultism started and spread but was then dealt a death blow only to be reborn when Satan was loosed in the mid-1800s.
This is a strong paper; the weak should turn away. In it I explain the shocking lack of discernment in most Christians today. I also explain how the Covid crisis is really a Satanic agenda that must be understood and refused.
17 August 2021: The Coronavirus Patents
This paper is explosive. It gives the evidence that SARS-Cov-2 was not only man-made as a deliberate bio-weapon, it was made in America under the direction of Fauci and others, just as SARS-Cov-1. It was further enhanced in Wuhan, paid for by Fauci. I also give numerous testimonies by doctors on the lethality of the other bio-weapon, the Covid vaccine. You need to read this data.
A hard-hitting essay explaining the catastrophic collapse of the testimony of institutional churches, The time has come for Biblical churches to emerge.
10 July 2021: Signposts in Zechariah
This paper gives a detailed explanation of the types and symbols used in Zechariah's visions, plus a structure of the book. This is vital to understand his message and is a key to symbols also used in Revelation.
8 July 2021Cui Bono
This paper answers the oft asked question, 'who profits from the Covid crisis and vaccination programme leading to depopulation?'.
30 June 2021: What is Woke
Wokeism is part of a modern attack on Christian principles in Western society. Here I explain its origins, fundamentals and problems.
This paper gives you all the ammunition you need. Scores of scientific papers are cited proving every aspect of the Covid sceptic claims. This is very useful data to convince people stuck in the false narrative.
22 May 2021: Renewing the mind
This paper explains an important issue that is often misunderstood.
This paper explains where we are now in the Covid narrative. It contains much new information. For example, it shows why PCR tests are dangerous. Or how the government has conducted militarised psychological war on the population and the effects of this. There are also sections on the spirituality of this warfare and the attack on connectivity. You must be aware of these things.
This is a simple paper outlining the basics of eschatology and why the study of it is vital.
This paper gives solid Biblical and theological evidence for the necessity of house churches. More than ever such are needed today.
6 April 2021: The Falling Away
This is a hard-hitting exhortation based on clear exposition. It is exceedingly important. The future of the church is literally at stake. You must understand the falling away.
25 March 2021The basic Gospel
This paper explains the fundamental issue in the Gospel; salvation is all of God and man contributes nothing.
This paper expands on what I have previously written. It gives great detail on vaccines in general and the Covid vaccines in particular. The narrative of successful vaccine projects is fraud. The Covid vaccines are experimental, not fully tested, nor properly authorized and are inherently dangerous.
24 February 2021Monergism versus synergism
This subject needs to be discussed and properly evaluated in the light of recent interest by theologically compromised individuals that has resulted in confusing statements.
This paper explains some important themes in Revelation that are very pertinent to our time. It is an important expansion of a previous paper.
This paper gives you the information showing the true reason for the current pressure on hospitals. Here is a clue; it is not a novel virus.
This paper explains the character and rationale of the global elite cabal behind national governments. It also has sections on why the Covid crisis was planned and how Cultural Marxism triumphed under a Conservative government.
12 January 2021Revelation Chapter 1:1-8
This is a commentary on Revelation 1:1-8. It seeks to expound themes usually missed by most expositors.
This paper exposes, in great detail, how the viral panic has led to unadulterated totalitarianism. It uses simple bullet points to lay out case after case of lies, falsities, exaggerations and propaganda used to employ fascist policies. There are also appendices showing multiple scientific papers justifying my assertions. I also expose how this operation followed a strategic plan going back decades.
29 November 2020Christian cults and sects
This is a concise reference book analysing all the main cults and sects that call themselves 'Christian'. There is value in understanding where these went wrong as a warning to us to be cautious.
3 November 2020: How are Christians Saved
This is a very important theological paper. It deals with the basics of salvation and how the work of Christ deals with those issues.
Modern sceptics claim that the Bible is full of myths. In fact, the foundation of many planks of modernism are fables that have no proof whatsoever.
22 October 2020: Symbols in Revelation
This is a paper to help interpreting the symbolism in the book of Revelation.
21 October 2020Overview of Revelation
This paper is to assist in understanding the basic reason for the writing of the book of Revelation, what it is basically about and how it is structured.
20 October 2020: Beware of Gimmicks
This paper exposes a number of church gimmicks in recent history that effectively distracted Christians from centring on Christ.
19 October 2020The Replacement of Christ
This paper concisely shows how people replace Christ with fleshly notions of various sorts.
This paper is an extended glossary of terms that you need to understand in modern discourse. It covers political, academic and modern social discourse. It is intended as a reference work.
5 October 2020The pains of Hell
This simple paper is an antidote to so much wrong teaching about hell.
I have just dashed off this sarcastic commentary on the coronavirus charade. The government's actions are now so brazenly stupid that the only sane response is to poke fun at them. The devil hates being laughed at.
A paper intended for Christians who know nothing about the elite, or deep state, and doubt it exists. I have other introductions to the global elite but this takes a more overarching view and examines the logic of the body. It is based on Biblical analysis.
8 September 2020: Remembering and Forgetting
This is a message I preached in 1983 when I was in a Charismatic church. The content is still useful today.
This very important paper gives evidence proving that the pandemic was completely false. It was, however, carefully planned in advance and I show the precursors. As I have said all along, the pandemic was a ruse to bring in draconian social control and prepare the way for totalitarianism.
25 August 2020: Isolationism
As the elite plans for domination continue, this paper explains how one strategy is to destroy a sense of community because community derives from God.
8 August 2020Kowtowing to delusion
A short paper explaining the truth about Black Lives Matter and to whom submission is due.
2 August 2020: Worship Services
This paper exposes what is true worship (proskuneo) and what is false worship (threskeia). It explains that we are worshippers constantly and do not gather in order to worship. There is no such thing as a 'worship service' and much modern church worship is threskeia.
This is important. It explains what fellowship is and why it is spiritual. Mutually edifying one another cannot be done remotely.
18 July 2020: Mask-erade
A paper giving scientific and medical reasons why you should not wear a facemask. This policy is a further push towards totalitarianism.
This paper raises a number of serious questions about the lockdown. I intend to send a version of this to the Prime Minister. These questions need answers.
This is a very important doctrinal study that explains the nature of the incarnation. Misunderstanding or denying this doctrine is a serious matter.
This was written to help a friend but it covers issues that will be of interest to you. The more a nation follows Biblical principles, the more civilised it is; the more it destroys those principles, the more barbaric it becomes.
21 June 2020: Exodus Oil
A paper on this should not be necessary; sadly in this modern apostate world it is a needful warning.
This is an important paper that has been copied to my MP. It shows hard facts and new data proving that the lockdown house arrest was the exact wrong strategy that worsened the epidemic. It also shows that in many places hospital treatment killed patients unnecessarily. The economic effects, revealed by new data, are dire.
8 June 2020: CI Scofield
Concise Church Biographies
This short paper gives interesting information revealing how God prepared the world for the effective transmission of the Gospel. It proves the undeniable wisdom and predestination of God. Some believers understand one or two of these things but very few are aware of all of them.
This paper gives an exposition of the state of believers at the end. It dispels some errors and shows the greatness of the consummation of our hope.
25 May 2020Bill Gates
I rarely examine secular individuals, but this is an exception. Here is a thorough analysis of eugenicist Bill Gates. You need to be aware of his evil intents.
20 May 2020: WC Burns
Concise Church Biographies
18 May 2020An Alert to Believers
This paper urges Christians to see through what is happening and also admonishes churches for closing down. The church has lost the wisdom and stamina of previous generations. I also give practical advice for what may be coming.
This paper is a necessary affirmation of God's complete sovereignty, including over all sickness. God is Lord.
The diagram shows the pervading influence and plan behind the overreaction to the epidemic; beware what will follow.
29 April 2020: Evils of the Lockdown
This paper exposes the great evils of the lockdown, which will change society forever. I expose the general facts of the pointless lockdown (it worsens the spread of an epidemic), and the particular effects on the old. I also call for a complete change in church practices to prepare for the future. We must be more Biblical.
This is a follow up paper on Covid-19. It contains some very important observations and data.
A much needed, sober analysis of the current 'pandemic' scare.
This paper is an appendix to another that I am working on. However, it forms a very useful summary Biblical analysis of grace gifts. In a few pages you have all the information you need.
This paper analyses and refutes the ideas of Woke Progressives that are dominating modern discourse. In reality, this Left-wing ideology is simply the new mouthpiece of Cultural Marxism that seeks to overturn Christian principles in society.
22 February 2020: Summary of Cultural Marxism
This is a separate single page summary paper that explains the basic details of Cultural Marxism in tabular form.
22 February 2020: Origins of cultural Marxism
This paper is a long and difficult read but it deals with a very important issue. It explains why things are as they are in modern western culture. The incremental destruction of society is not an accident but part of a Marxist plan going back 100 years. The purpose is to overthrow society and enable a Marxist take-over by slowly destroying and reversing all the Christian ethical foundations of culture. It explains all the aspects of this, such as Post-modernism, gender issues, Intersectionality and political correctness.
17 February 2020: Britain
It is fashionable today to berate Britain as the source of all culture problems. Britain is denigrated as racist, misogynistic, bigoted, and much more. The BBC even recently stated that Britain stole everything and produced nothing. All this ranting stems from Cultural Marxist dogma that is basically attacking the Christian foundations of British society. The truth is that Britain, as a result of its Christian heritage, gave more benevolent discoveries, inventions and social reform to the world than any other nation. This paper seeks to counteract the lies with historic facts. Be informed.
Here are the subjective thoughts of an old man on this important subject.
21 January 2020: Losing your sword
This is a very important paper. It demonstrates that the Bible is God's very own word, the manifestation of his mind. It is the only source of spiritual authority. All other claims of authority are false and are to be rejected. I also show how prophetic movements in history all led to chaos and apostasy. There is also an expose of modern false prophets, authoritarian despots and prophetic movements.
This has been much delayed due to illness. Even so, it contains valuable information and a Christian view of events.
12 December 2019: Satan Cast Out
This is a very important paper. The first part is a general explanation of Satan and his demons. The second part is a thesis analysing the casting out of Satan. This is something overlooked by most dogmatics and there is much confusion and contradiction in writings. I have tried to solve these problems and I believe that this viewpoint is satisfying.
14 November 2019: The Throne of God
This is an exposition of Revelation chapter 4. I have tried to give the best explanation I possibly could because so many commentaries are hopelessly confused on the symbolism of John's visions.
12 November 2019: Bernard of Clairvaux
Concise Church Biographies
It is important to notice what the media is not asking politicians in the run up to the election as much as what they are asking. These important questions are being totally ignored.
1 November 2019: The Democracy Vacuum
This is a simple analysis of the chaos in Britain's democracy in recent years. The situation constantly changed as I wrote this paper and a general election is now forthcoming. Christians need to carefully consider the recent behaviour of prospective candidates.
29 October 2019: Climate Change lies
This is important. The current frenzied media and activism on climate doom is a pack of lies. Every claim of the climate alarmism narrative is unscientific and false. This includes the supposed consensus. In fact over 99% of scientific papers referred to in that claim opposed man-made global warming since 1950. This paper exposes all the key lies with simple explanations and nearly 200 source footnotes showing real science commentary. Don't be fooled. Climate activism is a Globalist strategy to crush the West and help establish a fascist state.
24 October 2019: William of Ockham
Concise Church Biographies
This paper explains how Jesus' prophecies were fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem. He said that the temple, the city and the people would be crushed in divine judgment. This happened in 70 AD. The implications of this are huge regarding the false Judaism, really Talmudism, of today.
10 Octobber 2019: Squanto
Concise Church Biographies
25 September 2019: William Twisse
Concise Church Biographies
24 September 2019: The end of climate change doom
These two Truth Bomb papers explain the recent findings of two Irish scientists based on empirical data, not the UN's computer modelling. They found that actual weather readings reveal that there is little warming but, more importantly, they prove that Greenhouse gases do not make the planet warmer. Their evidence cannot be denied and many in the academic world are very interested. The media, however, ignores them. Their findings completely demolish the entire basis of the Climate Change scam. It is game over.
19 September 2019: An Encouraging Word to women
Some women are shy and timid, while others even become repressed within their own home. This paper is an encouragement to Christian women not to let this happen to you; you have a significant calling.
16 September 2019: Gottschalk
Concise Church Biographies
This is a letter to Chinese believers. It was prompted by a sudden surge of over a million hits on my website in a few weeks, from China. The contents will be of use to all people since it contains my advice to believers in pressing on toward the goal.
10 September 2019: NT Timeline
This paper will assist the believer in getting an important grasp of the basic dates of the early church history.
9 September 2019: Bakht Singh
Concise Church Biographies
6 September 2019: Reply to Styxhexenhammer666
This reply to a You Tuber is meant as a friendly correction of facts. However, it also forms a very convenient basic apologetic for young Christians regarding issues that regularly crop up.
This is an important feature of Biblical interpretation that is often ignored. The events in Acts include unusual and temporary circumstances. These cannot be used to establish doctrines or unbiblical practices.
These Truth Bombs regarding the release of Satan are important. They help to show what the purpose is behind what is going on in society today. I have other papers that have discussed this and yet others that I hope to upload soon. You need to understand the satanic strategy that undergirds globalism today.
14 August 2019: Asahel Nettleton
Concise Church Biographies
30 July 2019: Girolamo Savonarola
30 July 2019: Ezekiel Rogers
Concise Church Biographies
The moon walk films are so obviously fake that they resemble 1950s cheap science fiction movies. All part of the deluding of the masses. You need to be aware of the basic flaws which cannot be satisfactorily explained.
20 July 2019: Perpetua
Concise Church Biographies
19 July 2019: Biblical Prophecy
This paper explains the Bible's teaching on prophecy. I also examine the Charismatic errors involved in their excuse for prophecy. There are two general issues with prophecy today: 1) the claim that formal, authoritative, OT-type prophecy still exists (it does not); 2) denying that there is any kind of genuine prophecy in the church in history.
This paper exposes the error of churches that use Heb 6 as a basis for discipling courses, common in Charismatic churches. The list here does not refer to New Covenant foundational principles but to the Old Covenant. The Greek text proves this, which I analyse. Yet another Charismatic mistake.
10 July 2019: Basic Discipling
This paper is a complete, basic discipling course. I have tried to succinctly cover all the things I would like to have understood when I was a young convert. I am appalled at how little Christians understand even after many years. This covers the Gospel, Bible study, devotions, essential doctrine, practical issues, heresies, sects and a summary of church history. Thus it is useful for mature believers as an aide memoire, as well as a manual to work through with young converts.
2 July 2019: Modern Antinomianism
A paper explaining the theology behind a popular modern form of antinomianism. It is very important to understand this.
Society is being conditioned to have zero tolerance against thought and speech that is not socially acceptable, that is, what is permitted by the establishment. This is now leading to increasing acts of violence to dissenters. There is only one answer to this - Biblical Christianity.
This paper addresses a very serious and current issue. Most people are unaware that the Green political movement was established and is controlled by the global elite as part of their plans for global tyranny. As oil power controlled the 20th century, sustainable development and Green policies (especially regarding carbon dioxide) will control this century. Be aware.​
An exhortation about expecting and preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus.
A concise analysis of what it means to be elect and how this subject is approached in the Old and New Testaments. It also dispels some heretical ideas.
This sort of oblique observation can help to contextualise the end times.
This is a simplified set of definitions but it really helps to get a summary view of the various Christological heresies.
In this day and age it is all the more important to explain that happiness is not connected to money, external things, selfishness or pleasure but to spiritual duty.
Three simple papers summarising the essential points of eschatological issues.
29 April 2019: The Notre Dame Fire
Here I give my thoughts and observations on this topic before I get swamped with questions. I also explain the background of Cultural Marxism, which is very relevant. There are many unanswered questions and the official narrative has serious holes.
23 April 2019: Fundamentalism
A reader asked me to explain this subject, so here is its history and content. 'Fundamentalist' is not a useful term for Biblical believers, though the movement did some good things.
This paper is necessary to combat the multitude of lies being spouted by the media and establishment supporting remaining in the EU. The hard truth is that the EU has done no good to Britain whatsoever. The claims otherwise are propaganda lies. I examine several areas to show how bad being in the EU has been. In economic terms the damage is huge.
Two simple truth bomb papers giving simplified definitions of theological subjects.
This paper shows that the common use of the term 'Far Right' to demonise critics of the Left is fallacious. I explain the relevant terms and warn that Christians will be thus labelled. There are also two appendices, one of which is a commentary on the New Zealand shooting, which is being widely misrepresented as being perpetrated by a Far Right gunman. In fact he is a crazy Leftist.
13 March 2019: The Divine Focus
This paper explains the Biblical focus on God as Trinity. It shows how many denomination fail to honour this focus. It also explains historic heresies about God and how modern sects repeat these heresies.
This book is perhaps one of my most important works. It seeks to be a vital resource for believers. It is a systematic theology but centred on Bible verses and not comment. Of necessity there are some comments for explanatory purposes, but these are limited; the vast proportion is Bible texts.
2 February 2019: Like a thief in the night
This paper shouldn't be necessary for evangelicals, but circumstances have provoked it. No human being knows the time, date or season of the end. Striving to discover this is folly. Claiming that you have discovered it is both hubris and a serious sin. This paper gives the Biblical teaching on this matter and gives historical examples. However, Christians should be wise about world events, especially in three areas, and may have a sense about the approach of the end.
Discipleship is a subject often hijacked by authoritarian church leaders as a tool to dominate people; as such it involves much human wisdom rather than Biblical principles. This paper draws out some discipling principles of Jesus in his High Priestly prayer. I trust this will be of use to pastors and others.
These two papers explain the truth about British culture and history which is being trampled on by cultural Marxists in education, politics and the media. Britain's historic culture is not diverse and heterogeneous; it is Christian. What led to western democracy, liberal values and culture were Christian principles.
This paper is necessitated by the lies and scaremongering that fill the media. It explains why we need to leave the EU fast and exposes the falsehood of the fear stories with facts and professional quotes. Do not be dismayed by 'Project Fear'.
This simple paper explains the important truth that it is knowledge of God and his decree that is crucial for bearing fruit; not some mystical experience or work of the flesh. There is also a useful summary of good doctrinal books to help students.
This is an important paper explaining the Biblical role of elders and differentiating them from deacons. Sadly few churches understand the principles taught in this essay, which is one reason why many churches are in a mess.
24 November 2018: Surrendering foreign policy
More Brexit betrayal. This is something approaching an exclusive. PM Theresa May has agreed to subordinate Britain's armed forces, defence, and foreign policy to the EU as a bargaining chip in the Brexit negotiations. Britain is already legally entwined in multiple EU defence policies which the Withdrawal Agreement confirms. Our armed forces are already signed up to be part of the EU army - and this has occurred after the Brexit vote. Just more proof that national governments do not represent the people but globalist policy makers.
19 November 2018: Brexit deal chaos
This paper explains the background to the Brexit withdrawal agreement. I show why it is undemocratic and treasonous. I also explain how the global elite is working through this process. Just more proof that the UK government is not working for the interests of the people. However, I also explain why Christians should not be perturbed or shaken by this, but be peaceful.
15 November 2018: The Pharisees
This is a very important and explosive book. It explains how the Pharisees, whom Jesus denounced as satanic liars and murderers, evolved into modern day rabbinic Judaism, via the Talmud and Kabbala. Modern Orthodox Judaism is nothing but Satan worship and a licence to commit wickedness. Thus any association with Judaism, or the State of Israel which is founded on the Talmud, is pure blasphemy. Messianic Christianity is a deception that supports Satanism. This book also shows how Marxism and Zionism are the Talmud in political practice. This explains many historical mysteries: why Patton was halted, why the Bolsheviks were aided by America, why the US enabled the Communist take over of China and why the US lost the Korean War, and much more. Christians must understand the truth about Judaism.
11 October 2018: Comparison of religions
This is a succinct, but still lengthy I'm afraid, summary of world religions to help seeking people. The central portion is a tabular comparison of the major religions contrasted with Christianity. I have tried to make this as useful as possible without filling hundreds of pages.
2 October 2018: Comic Book Super Heroes
This paper is a different sort of topic, but socially important. It evaluates the historical development of super hero comics and shows how modern social conditioning has changed the plots and characters. Today, the content is conditioning kids, and also adults through film versions, to swallow liberal elite dogma, in particular, to accept more violence, anger and hatred against dissent. Super heroes are no longer representatives of Christian righteousness and champions of the American dream, but purveyors of liberal, anti-Christian, pagan morality.
21 September 2018: Anti-Semitism
This paper on Anti-Semitism addresses vital issues that no one is talking about in the current hysteria whipped up by the elite thought police for political ends. It is important to analyse this objectively.
This is my best attempt at a simple introduction to explaining all you need to know about the manuscripts that form our Bible versions. It is highly important but much misunderstood. Books on this matter are often too technical, boring and hard to follow because there are many very technical issues involved. Other sources are often far too simplistic, inflammatory and erroneous. I have tried to avoid all these pitfalls and explain what you need to know. I also show that the LXX is probably late, i.e. post 2nd century and that the Sinaiticus was written in the 19th century. This is explosive. In summary, I prove that the Byzantine 'family' of manuscripts is the genuine NT text.
19 August 2018: Partaking of God's glory
This is a paper explaining what the glory of God is, what it is not, and how we share in it. Something much misunderstood today.
These truth bombs explain why the current establishment narrative about white entitlement and black slavery is a fraud. The truth is that all ethnic types have experienced slavery and throughout history most slaves were White or Eurasian. In fact, for centuries most slaves in America were White poor people.
Here follows a few Truth Bombs regarding the Talmud and the Kaballa, Jewish texts that undergird the thinking of many in the global elite.
This is the second part of facts regarding the Apollo missions. This one concerns the Van Allen Belt and solar flares.
25 June 2018: Truth Imparted
This is a really simple table explaining how truth is imparted. Though simple, this is very important today, and much misunderstood.
Simple scientific facts proving that the moon landings were fake.
This is a very important paper. It was written for seekers, but it will benefit believers. It seeks to be a full theological / apologetic explanation of the Gospel that will answer the questions of enquirers.
This is a technical paper explaining the derivation and origins of everyday words, many of which have surprising pagan origins
This is a self explanatory paper on the EU in the Truth Bomb series.
These are one-page papers that are part of a continuing series called Truth Bombs, succinct papers highlighting a single issue. It is a series of concise papers which seek to explain lies, errors, misunderstandings or misrepresented facts. These initial articles are a series on Jerusalem, but others will be on varying subjects.
19 May 2018: The Goading of Iran
This paper seeks to explain the truth about recent events in Syria and how Iran is being goaded into creating an excuse for war. This war is a key part of Israeli strategy for the Middle East. The media seems to care little about continual Israeli air-strikes in Syria for years, while Trump has behaved disgracefully regarding the Iran deal. These are dangerous times.
12 May 2018: Trees and insanity
This paper explains the psychotic decisions of the UK government to destroy millions of trees, both in the UK and in Virginia, USA. Few people understand anything about this and there are two key industries involved, supposedly Green biomass energy and 5G. Both are deleterious.This paper also forms a short introduction to the dangerous perils of 5G. Beware, it is coming to you.
11 May 2018: In defence of Calvin
In response to a request for help, here is a paper critiquing yet another baseless attack on Calvin. As usual the attack parrots the same old red herrings, misrepresentation and barefaced lies. This paper exposes the deceit and also gives a succinct introduction to Calvin's biography.
8 May 2018: Fracking
This is a paper on Fracking. It is an incredibly important subject since it can directly impact you and your family for the worse. Indeed, it is not extreme to say that some residents near Fracking sites have been hospitalised and killed by the effects while others can no longer drink their water. Be warned.
This is a practical paper aimed to give useful advice on dealing with the administrative ramifications of a bereavement. Many people face this every year but few prepare for it. These facts will help you both prepare and deal with the effects.
16 April 2018: Will Douma = Sarajevo?
This paper lays out the truth regarding the Douma attack. It was not Assad. British and American secret services have been planning this for some time.
My government's position on this is illegal and shameful. It is part of an attempt to ramp up war with Russia. Here I give you some important facts not mentioned by the media. It is a scandalous propaganda progamme.
This paper is chiefly Scriptures that pertain to the responsibilities of governments and rulers. It is sobering to say the least. Those in power need to read this and fear. Voters need to see how to assess candidates for office.
This paper confronts the heresies contained in a mass of papers sent to me anonymously through the post. It gives me the opportunity to explain why they are heresy and why the doctrines of grace are vital. This paper is an unusual defence of grace and even explains the doctrine of Traducianism, which is much neglected. I believe this to be a very useful help to those confused by Arminian attacks.
5 February 2018: No good thing withheld
God is always good to his people but sadly very few understand what this means. To some it was a life of persecution and a martyrs death. To others it was decades of imprisonment. The key is to understand the divine perspective and the purpose of God. Without knowing this you will be demoralised by what life throws at you. Even worse is to believe the lies of heretics who claim that bad things do not happen to God's elect.
2 February 2018: Influenza vaccine
As part of my responsibility to inform and warn, this paper exposes the serious issues with the influenza vaccine. It gives hard scientific evidence for questioning the vaccine, including analysis of what is in the different sorts. The conclusion is serious; the establishment does not want people helped by this but harmed.
This paper exposes the massive contradiction taught by the establishment. It is impossible to believe in evolution and Gay issues; they are completely at odds with each other. This is so obvious it is amazing that no one in the media highlights this. It is time to demand honesty and a change in education policy.
23 January 2018: The world has gone mad
Here I demonstrate how the world is going mad, why this is happening, how it is happening, and the organisations behind it. I explain that this is all under God's sovereign control and for his end time purpose to glorify his name. It is filled with useful data.
This is a small book outlining the history of the Satanic war against Christianity after the Reformation. It covers short articles on philosophy, heresy, social and political movements. This is a very useful handbook on these issues. There are also a number of diagrams and tables.
24 December 2017: Multiculturalism
Here I analyse what is really going on with modern policies to increase multiculturalism in western societies. I explain God's purpose with nations and the importance of divinely established boundaries. Multiculturalism is just another facet of the global elite's attack on Christianity and the attempt to mongrelise nations to make them more amenable to despotism.
17 December 2017: Body distortion
This paper is necessary in this confused world. It explains the origins of tattoos and body-piercings and explains why they are unbiblical practices.
This is an explanation of how geo-politics has reversed in recent years. I also show why this happened and who the key players in the corruption of world politics are. One key issue is the attack on Christianity that underlies this.
10 December 2017: Something is going on
This paper is simply giving observations on some news stories, some of which were reported and others which were hidden. They point to a possible crescendo in world affairs.
21 November 2017: Buying a sword
This is a simple study on a vital issue. In the light of many Christians talking about taking up arms, I show that the teaching of the Bible is unequivocally that Christians cannot kill. I explain what buying a sword in Luke 22:36 means. It is not to attack people, even in self defence.
This is the final update on the Las Vegas massacre posted on 14 October 2017, and is double the last edition.
5 November 2017: Egypt and Babylon
This paper examines the similarities and the differences between these two types (figures) of the world. I then explain what Babylon is. You cannot understand Revelation or eschatology without seeing this.
26 October 2017: Tools of Bible study
To many this is a mundane subject, but it is absolutely essential for a real spiritual life. This paper gives a useful analysis of the necessary tools required for proper Bible study. May it serve you well.
16 October 2017: Swearing
This paper should not need to have been written. It shows that foul language is wrong and a sin and no Christians should ever use perverse speech. This subject is fundamental to repentance and ought to be understood without exhortation. Sadly the times are evil.
16 October 2017: Biblical doxologies
This is a simple analysis of Biblical doxologies. These need no significant comment as they are worthy of perusal as they stand.
14 October 2017: The Las Vegas Massacre
This event requires comment as the official narrative is an insult to the intelligence. One must begin to see how events are being manipulated to further the satanic strategy of world domination by a Luciferian elite. I analyse the known facts and expose the problems. I also reveal the massive occult coincidences.
This paper is also an exposition of Paul's warnings in 1 Thessalonians regarding people that preach a false gospel. It shows the typical traits of false gospel preachers, which are still copied today. I also show what the true Gospel is.
9 October 2017: Basic Christianity
This is an exposition based on Paul's words in 1 Thessalonians that show the essential characteristics of being a genuine Christian. Sadly, these are so often absent today.
27 September 2017: Abandonment
This paper deals with an important but neglected subject. Indeed, it is something that is rarely mentioned at all. Since all true Christians will be affected by this, it requires some exposition.
26 September 2017: Spot the difference
This paper is just a simple table with no commentary at all. It demonstrates the differences between America and North Korea in connection with which country is a global aggressor.
21 September 2017: J’Accuse
This paper is a condemnation of the situation in Britain today. This is the result of a series of anti-Christian governments that are intent on destroying Christian mores and social structures in this country. It stands condemned by God's law.
20 September 2017: A voice for North Korea
This paper is a much needed explanation of the situation in, and mindset of, North Korea, as well as a short history. This is rarely, if ever, presented in the media; in fact the media constantly presents a one-sided, exaggerated, and often falsified view. You need to read this to get a balanced view.
12 September 2017: Non-involvement in politics
In response to one questioner, and to cover other future comments, this paper fully explains my argument that Christians must do good to all but not get involved in worldly politics. The argument is very clear. I also look at some objections, such as the slavery issue.
This is an important paper that shows the devastating effects of New Calvinism, which is just one of the many recent strategies of the enemy to bring doctrinal corruption and worldliness into the church. Many are being fooled by this disparate movement and Reformed leaders are not adequately confronting this.
5 September 2017: Walk with wisdom
This paper shows why wisdom and discernment are absolutely vital in this world of deception. Everything must be tested, not just the elite mainstream; nothing can be trusted. I explain why and give practical advice. I also examine the situation at Charlottesville and use it as an example. The mainstream media picture of this was utterly false.
28 August 2017: Synergism
This is an expansion of a footnote in my paper on Lutheranism. In two pages it gives a concise breakdown of synergistic systems.
28 August 2017: Lutheranism
Many evangelicals know little or nothing about Lutheranism, even though it stands at the beginning of Protestantism. This paper explains the history and the theology. The Lutheranism of today is not like the Lutheranism of Martin Luther.
21 August 2017: The problem of perjury
Society is dominated by wickedness. This wickedness is controlled by people committed to certain agendas. One means of facilitating these agendas is to lie to the public; thus politicians are frequently caught out in blatant lies. But it is worse than that. There are several religious groups who are allowed by their religion to lie and deceive outsiders. Many people in such groups are in high levels of power. You need to understand the basis of this lying so that you are not deceived yourself.
14 August 2017: The great reversal
This paper seeks to explain analytically and concisely the key reversals of truth that have plagued the church in the last 150 years or so. While much more could be written, if I had time and strength, this is sufficient for most people. It shows the terrible cancer of demonic lies taken wholesale into the churches today. I include proponents, sources, teachings, practices, errors and Biblical texts. There is also a couple of separate papers at the end, one of which destroys the Charismatic proposal of a gradual restoration of Charismatic truth to the church. While it is a long read with a great deal of detailed information, it is sectioned to be able to be used as a reference work.
This is a letter in response to questions about how far we can engage with worldly authorities. There are many mistakes made in this area which ruin Christian lives. Our job is to do God's will and do it with wisdom.
27 July 2017: Islam in 5 minutes
For all those busy people out there, here is my summary of Islam. While there are many introductions to Islam available, very many are filled with falsehoods (Taqiyya) to deliberately lead you astray. In addition, even many Muslims have no idea what Muhammad taught what Islam is all about. My précis gets to the root of the matter in a few pages (perhaps a bit more than five minutes). There is enough information here, with evidences, for you to hold your own in any debate.
This is a very practical, and yet theological, paper explaining how to be prepared for trials and what to do in them. I need add nothing else. Sadly, few that I meet understand how to do this.
14 July 2017: Insane policies
Do you think that your government is benevolent and cares for everyone in society? This paper shows that governments are in collusion with God's enemy and foster all sorts of wicked projects that only insane people would condone. They even sponsor programmes that harm their own families. This is part of the wickedness of man coming to fulness that I explain in other papers. Here I simply outline a number of insane government policies that are wicked and just nuts!
This paper expounds a short but very important passage which is completely misunderstood by most commentators. It is of vital importance in understanding sanctification and encouragement to press on.
The Bible is God's inspired word to us, giving us the very thoughts of God. It is the basis of all our spiritual education and I cannot emphasise enough how important it is for us to study it earnestly. Sadly, much that passes as teaching in modern churches is nothing short of a tragedy.
I wasn't going to write on this but, as I am being asked for my comments, it makes sense to put my thoughts down in one developed paper. Thus I have given my analysis, for what it is worth.
This is a clear exposition of a verse to show that the Charismatic practice of apostles ruling the church is entirely false. There is also an appendix on the matter of submission to leaders.
This is an exposition of an important passage in Ephesians that few interpret correctly. It shows the vital importance of every member in the local church and how every member ministry (mutual edification) equips the saints and promotes growth. The reason why the churches are in a mess is because this is nowhere practised.
This is a paper showing that the position of evolutionists is far from being based upon scientific certainty but is, rather, a faith based position that trusts in poor factual foundations. In fact, the Creationist position is far more in accordance with known scientific facts. I have tried to source most quotes and statements from secular sources.
16 May 2017: The sojourn in Egypt
Was Israel in Egypt for 215, 400 or 430 years? The Bible, and Jewish historians, suggest all three. This paper explains why there is no discrepancy.
This paper exposes the hypocrisy that is prevalent in the mainstream media today. The reason for this is following an indoctrination programme to manipulate most of society to acquiesce to global elite strategies. Thus a certain feature in one area is highlighted when the same feature in another is completely ignored. For example: the deaths of 113 civilians in Syria is falsely blamed on Assad and trumpeted across the world but the deaths of many thousands of civilians, including many Christians, by US and UK air-strikes in Iraq and Syria are completely ignored. Be warned. There is no fairness or balance in journalism today in the media.
Imaginative speculation is everywhere these days, and sadly in the church. One rampant notion is that of giant offspring of angels / aliens and humans, usually called Nephilim (wrongly). All sorts of utter nonsense is being spouted about this idea, with people even making it the key to the future. One man has even professed to believe in satyrs!!! That these teachers are supposed Christian leaders is a disgrace. It is all rubbish as I explain in this paper.
So few people ever discuss this matter and most presume that the local practice is the norm. It almost certainly is not. This is a simple Biblical analysis, taking pragmatics into consideration. The apostolic method is the best method and goes against normal modern practice (as usual).
16 April 2017: Preparationism
This is a paper analysing and refuting the doctrine of Preparationism. Sadly this was common amongst the Puritans and subsequently has been popularised amongst modern Baptists. This doctrine is not Biblical, not Reformed and is very damaging.
This paper is a devotional piece showing the immense privilege of possessing the Word of God. It shows how it reveals God's mind, through Christ, and how important it is to study it carefully.
The deep state driven media is at it again trying to foist war, possibly world war upon us. Although the BBC is happy to repeat lie upon lie, even a cursory examination of the facts regarding the Syrian Sarin attack shows that it was not done by Assad, or Russia, but by the people your taxes are funding. When will people wake up?
5 April 2017: Fake news, an analysis
This comment is necessary to warn people about the indoctrination that is well underway in society and what you must do to see past it and test what is true. To just trust the newspaper that you have read for decades, or the TV news you support, is a fatal flaw. They are now full of lies and propaganda. Be wise; be discerning; test all things; understand that deception is everywhere and is part of a spiritual battle. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
29 March 2017: Socialism and godliness
Christians, being citizens of a heavenly city, should not be formally tied to any political party, which are worldly at best. This paper looks at Socialism and compares it with Christianity since many Socialists link the two. I also cover key elements of right wing policies, with an appendix on definitions. May it be of use.
26 March 2017: The community of love
This paper is a mere taster on the subject of divine community and the vital necessity for Christians to work this principle out on earth. It is the basis of the church being a family, not an organisation, something that is almost universally ignored.
16 March 2017: What is going on?
This paper is necessary comment on the situation in the west at the moment, which is an all out psychological war (and sometimes material oppression) of Christianity and those who support traditional values. You need to understand what is happening and be wise.
8 March 2017: The Crusades
This is an expansion of an appendix to my paper on Islam regarding the Crusades. Since it is such an inflammatory issue today, we need to give more attention to the facts. I have tried to give a complete assessment of the causes, exploits, problems and benefits of the Crusades in as simple a manner as possible to enable you to silence critics and stifle some of the extremely foolish rhetoric.
2 March 2017: Distant drums
This is an analysis and history of the use of drums. It shows what the purposes of drums are in society and discusses their relevance within church worship. Needless to say, along with other musical instruments, there is no place for drums. Indeed, drums are the very last thing a church should consider introducing.
26 February 2017: Who rules the world?
This is a simple paper that really consists of Scriptures and little argument. It covers a very important topic, but one that is practically denied by many supposed Christians today, leading to them believe a range of heresies. This doctrine must be strongly defended.
This is a very concise paper explaining God's law. This is much misunderstood by people on both sides of the fence, antinomians and legalists. I trust this helps you to understand the truth.
16 February 2017: Islam, theology and history
This is a book of great importance. It is a complete survey of Islam that supplies information in one source that will be rarely seen elsewhere. It expounds all aspects of Islam from theology, to ethics, to politics, to history, fully explaining why most people have a very wrong idea about Islam; this includes many supposed Muslims. I also explain what is going on in societies where Muslims have gained a foothold and show why they are doing this (following Muhammad) and what the expected outcome is. The facts that I expose, with as little passion as possible, are truly appalling. Everyone needs to understand these facts, especially Christians.
19 January 2017: Apostasy 2, Analysis
In order to explain the technicalities about the doctrine of apostasy, this paper analyses what it is, what words are used in Scripture and how other doctrines are affected by it. I trust this will answer any questions.
13 January 2017: Apostasy
This is a paper on a terrible subject; apostasy. This needs to be addressed today because we are seeing people, and especially church leaders, apostatise at a terrible rate. I have tried to expound this properly to give a good foundation on the matter. I trust that the conclusion shows that this is not an entirely negative subject. We must individually persevere and encourage each other to love and good works.
31 December 2016: Out of Zion
The Lord has constrained me to write a suitable paper to end the year with. This paper explains what Zion is, both technically and spiritually. It is an important subject that has much to say to the Lord's people.
Here is a simple paper that demonstrates why Charles Darwin was a fake who did no original science but introduced terrible effects into society. He was neither a trained scientist nor an original thinker. His continued admiration by 'scientific' media celebrities merely shows the poverty of current thinking.
This is a paper that does not simply expound the doctrine of God's attribute of love but explains why a concentration upon this attribute above all others is a big mistake. It fails to appreciate what God's word says his chief attribute actually is. Worse, a focus upon love has led to multiple errors of doctrine and practice and has caused Arminianism to overtake Calvinism in the last 100 years.
This is a paper which strives to expose the underlying formulations and fashions that undergird many churches. These have been around throughout history but are today appearing all over the place as the churches become more apostate. Those which exhibit several of these tendencies are the most heretical. This is a new way of evaluating what churches actually are. I trust it will be helpful.
This is a book on the Doctrines of Grace. I have tried to write the best possible summary that I can and yet cover all the aspects in necessary depth. There are numerous diagrams, tables, quotes, appendices and several excursus papers. For example, there is a detailed history of the attacks on the doctrines of grace as well as an explanation of the champions of sovereign grace. I also cover many important subjects that are usually ignored. I have been tempted to continue developing this as ideas come to mind, but have decided to stop here before it becomes a tome. This is a reasonable and accessible book which seeks to give the student all he needs to know on the matter. May God be glorified.
This is a paper explaining both the importance of theology but also of our being lights in the world. This means that we are necessarily involved in true politics. This is not worldly partisan politics but being a bellwether for our neighbours and doing good to all, as we are able. Modern Christians seem to want little of either.
This paper is important because the news reporting in the mainstream media [MSM] is full of lies and distortion. In fact the general picture is the opposite of the truth. It is important for believers to understand what's involved since your government's policies are resulting in the deaths of Christians, just as it did in Iraq, which the MSM never talks about. Your taxes are being used to hurt the church. You should be appraised of the truth when determining your political support.
20 October 2016: Expect no global revival
This is a paper that shows you what Charismatic global revivalists think, how they behave and what they claim. I then show what Jesus and the apostles actually teach, which is the direct opposite. Those who teach the opposite of Jesus are following a satanic strategy. No more need be said.
10 October 2016: False Flares
There has never been an era when lying propaganda was used so heavily on civilian populations. You are literally being conditioned by various systems around you to tow the establishment line; without this the elite could not get away with their policies. Jesus warned us about the extent of deception in the world, especially at the end and Christians should be wiser than the world in this matter. Sadly, so often that is not the case and many modern 'Christians' are even more deceived than the world, especially by Charismatic deceit. I explain this and give multiple examples of how the world governments have lied to you to achieve a certain goal. Don't accept the lies that are currently being perpetrated today, especially as war threatens.
5 October 2016: Praying in Colour
This is an analysis of the latest fad (aberration) to emerge from the apostate church. It is a means of encouraging mysticism and results in non-prayer. Beware.
After some questions I thought it useful to give a full summary of the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is useful since many Protestants (mainly disenchanted Charismatics) have joined it in recent decades and folk should know what is involved. This is a thorough examination of doctrine and practice which shows that it is far from Biblical and seriously heretical.
This is an exposé of a very serious false teacher and a very unpleasant person. I know that some of you have friends who follow this man because you have asked for my help previously. Here is a simple summary of some of his errors and an example of his vile defamation found in one video of a speech. I then analyse and comment on the points he makes and the character he manifests. Though much could be written about this man, and I have done so years ago, this short paper is all that you really need; he stands condemned by his own words and attitude. This should help you have ammunition to assist your friends.
15 August 2016: Advice for disciples
Here is the very subjective and outspoken advice of an older believer to younger ones. It concerns that which I believe to be important, even if I cut across normal counseling, which is too often politically correct church platitudes. Though some of you may be older than me, I believe the advice is still sound.
Many members of modern churches have no idea what real Christianity is. Instead of following Christ, their lifestyles manifest the opposite of Christ's character. This paper explains the need to maintain a godly testimony and shows some areas where this is expressed in society. Christianity is an active religion, not a passive thing experienced in a glorified social club.
21 July 2016: Occasional Thoughts 7
A call for clarity from Imams. The current war in western society. Where are the apocalyptic Brexit events? The continuing denial of democracy. Theresa May. The media war hiding the build up to a hot war.
Having recently met with some old friends, some of whom are religious Anglicans, it behooved me to write a paper explaining the Biblical Gospel for religious people who think that they are Christians but are not evangelical. Essentially, such religious folk do not know what Christ said a Christian is; and only his definition is worth anything. Thus this paper seeks to clarify the Biblical Gospel.
As the Brexit vote continues to send shock waves through the establishment, this paper shows how the referendum has exposed the denial of democracy in the parliamentary system, and particularly in the political party system. It is time for a change.
27 June 2016: The Great Divorce
This paper contains my observations following the referendum vote which led to Brexit. A great deal has yet to occur and we cannot be complacent.
24 June 2016: Punishment
This doctrine continues to be denied by many, ignored in social culture and eroded from the justice system. However, it is a divine principle and one which is vital to the doctrine of God and the blessing of salvation. We ignore this subject at our peril.
17 June 2016: God's mercy
This is a paper that explains the vital foundation of election in the attributes of God and the expression of salvation. God does not love everyone and does not have mercy on everyone. His grace only extends to his people, the elect. This, however, must be distinguished from God's providence which is to the whole earth of necessity in preserving the elect.
13 June 2016: Self-delusion
This is an important paper that analyses how we can be deceived and what we must do to avoid it. Sadly the churches are filled with people and leaders that never did this and have fallen into apostasy. I trust that it will help you lead an effective testimony.
You may have already seen the introduction to this paper. The rest explains what is going on in the world today and how the satanic purpose is being worked out through the elite, which involves people devoted to money and power seeking control over the world more and more. Your politicians fall into this bracket and, with a few exceptions, they are a deeply corrupt bunch utterly committed to the elite aims, and thus ultimately to Satan. I give some specific examples of this in terms of strategy, history and individuals. The purpose is to inform you and to warn you to keep your hands clean by avoiding their plans, and doing certain spiritual and practical things.
This is the introduction to a paper that I am working on but it struck me that it may be of use on its own. It is a primer regarding Satanic activity on the earth and what this is all about.
This is a paper that simply sets out the acute differences between apostolic tongues and the false tongues of the modern Charismatic Movement. It does this by using a clear tabular analysis. I trust this will be of use.
11 May 2016: Fully Pleasing God
The subtitle of this paper is 'Ten things to pray for in your growth in grace', and that sums up the purpose of the article. The most important matter before us today is to learn how to fully please God and maintain a good testimony. Sadly that is greatly misunderstood in many places and bad teaching leads many churches into apostasy where God is not pleased at all. I trust that this exposition of Paul's desire for disciples will lead you into truth that will release you into a better testimony.
This is an explanation of a much debated text in Rev 13. I show what this really is and apply the verse to what is going on around us today. There is also exposition of parallel passages in Rev 17 and 20. This passage is not difficult to understand, but it needs wisdom. Sadly, little of that is often applied in the speculations of commentators. We must not limit God's word to our convenient literal interpretations.
12 April 2016: The Mark of the Beast
I have been asked about this subject a few times recently and thought that a paper on it may be of use to people. So much junk has been written about this that it is time for a breath of sanity.
7 April 2016: Forgotten Blessings
This is a paper highlighting a number of matters that we should give God thanks for and which are often ignored or forgotten. We ought to be the most advanced saints in history; sadly we are far from that.
29 March 2016: Exiting the EU Summary
It occurred to me that busy people cannot easily find the time to read a 50 page document. Therefore, I have summarised the points made in the previous paper in this concise version a quarter of the size. I think it still adequately covers most areas.
This is a paper that gives you much neglected history showing that the long term purpose of the EU founders was, and still is, a federal superstate, a United States of Europe (their term). There are various other sections giving you details on related matters of importance, including a portion on the basis of UK sovereignty in the Constitution. You need to know this information in order to be able to vote with integrity and in an informed manner. Others will try to scare you with prognostications about the future, mostly lies. This paper gives you historical facts about what has already happened. You should judge on the basis of facts, not scaremongering.
8 March 2016: Simple eschatology
A paper that does what it says. It gives a simple explanation of Biblical eschatology and a summary of the various views. I trust it will be helpful.
3 March 2016: Tradition
This is a paper on the need to discriminate between Biblical tradition, which is to be obeyed, and the tradition of men, which is to be rejected. Though this is a simple matter, very many in the church today make serious mistakes about this.
24 February 2016: Occasional Thoughts 6
Zika – Freaka. Frankenstein-trees. ‘Alimentary, my dear Watson’. Drums of war.
This is a long paper fully documenting the utter failure of the Charismatic Movement, especially in the UK. The effects of this failure are dramatic, extensive and shattering. God's people need to be cognisant of these things. Charismatic leaders need to hang their head in shame. I trust this will be a useful resource as a summary of Charismatic errors with specific examples.
5 February 2016: Lonnie Frisbee
This is the best in-depth biography I can come up with for this obscure and deliberately hidden character. Few have even heard of him and yet he was the most important catalyst in the foundations of both Calvary Chapel and The Vineyard churches, two of the biggest Charismatic denominations in the world, and the two that spawned Christian rock music and modern Charismatic worship, as well as the Signs and Wonders movement. He was a tragic personality and his input into the modern Charismatic church scene needs to be understood. May this be of use.
31 January 2016: Occasional Thoughts 5
Virtue versus Truth. Pursuing God’s will. Predatory tactics. Weapons – common sense. Making evil good. Economic collapse.
25 January 2016: Rejoicing and anxiety
Superficial study can lead to all sorts of errors and extreme behaviour is often the result of taking a verse out of context or without understanding the analogy of Scripture (the sum of Biblical teaching). This is a particular case in point. Perfectionists tell us that we must always be rejoicing at every moment, but this is clearly Biblically wrong as well as being impossible on this earth. They also tell us that anxiety is a sin; yet Paul affirmed that he was sometimes anxious for good reasons. Similarly, some state that we must never be angry or complain; yet God does both these things. What the Bible teaches is righteousness; we must do what is right and good; we do what is appropriate and godly. That may include weeping (as Jesus wept) as well as rejoicing. This paper investigates this matter fully.
Although not directly applicable to my overseas friends, this paper still has many important and relevant points. For British people, this paper describes how the current government is committed to a vicious plan to destroy the NHS. This plan involves lies, intrigue, fraud as well as public statements. You need to understand this in order to be a responsible citizen. Already many thousands of people have no GP and both London and Birmingham surgeries are taking no new patients. Both areas are affecting my own family negatively. Soon this will affect many more people as GPs are leaving the job thoroughly fed up with the stress and extra unpaid work. In time UK healthcare will be back to Dickensian standards. Already some areas are being denied necessary operations, treatment or equipment. What is worse is that the politicians organising this degeneration are profiting from being on the boards of the private companies taking NHS work. You need to see the data supplied here. The facts speak for themselves. It is an act of great wickedness.
11 January 2016: The Fulness of Christ
This is an extremely important subject that is not given sufficient attention today. Indeed, there are multiple errors regarding this prevalent in the churches today. It is vital that we affirm all that God's word says about the nature and glory of Christ. It is the very bedrock of our salvation.
18 December 2015: Training in godliness
An important paper explaining how we work out our salvation with God willing inside us. The Spirit is responsible for our sanctification but he does not do the work for us. Surprisingly, the mystical errors of perfectionism still abound in the church today. Such mysticism is false. Faith WORKS through love.
13 December 2015: Occasional Thoughts 4
Democracy?, World War threat, Revelation vs. emotionalism, The Paris attacks, Attempted destruction of the church, Suffering versus sovereignty.
4 December 2015: Who created ISIS?
A paper that you need to read in order to understand what is actually going on in Syria. The whole war against IS is a fabrication and a means to make geopolitical changes, introduce radical domestic despotic laws and possibly usher in a world war. Cameron is complicit in this and is now spending your taxes to bomb innocent civilians, only serving to further radicalise offended Muslims and threaten the UK. The days of the elite fooling people are drawing to a close as more and more people see what is going on. Remember all the lies when (if) you next vote. Of course, the believer sees all this as part of the end time plans to bring about a satanic, global, despotic government.
22 November 2015: Occasional Thoughts 3
True saints, sensitivity to sin, worldliness, governmental madness, Cameron’s folly, Statins: a final solution.
21 November 2015: OT History of Israel
This paper, really a book, has taken a considerable amount of time and effort. It seeks to give, in simple and bullet point terms, a history of Israel up to the Bar Khoba revolt. I believe this to be a very useful tool for Bible students. Many do not know the difference between Hosea and Hoshea, Jehu and Joab, Joab and Joash or Amasa and Amasai. As well as being a potted history, with multiple tables and definitions, it also serves as an abbreviated Bible encyclopaedia. I wish I had been given something like this when I was a young Christian. May it be of use.
16 November 2015: Miracles
A biblical critique of the Charismatic apologetic for their pursuit of miracles. I show why this pursuit is actually unbiblical and why miracles generally occur. I do not know why no one has evaluated the matter in this way before (as far as I am aware). I believe it is conclusive and obvious.
9 November 2015: Occasional Thoughts 2
Philanthropy, social breakdown, ghost Christians, killer bacon, boys will be girls, the basis of politics, the UN and world government.
28 October 2015: Occasional Thoughts 1
UK paedophiles; free energy; government lies; plastic bags; Putin; chemtrails; migrants.
20 September 2015: Dreams
A paper dealing with the subject of dreams. There is a huge amount of nonsense written and taught about dreams which is all around you, particularly in Charismatic streams. This sort of speculative, old covenant stuff will do you no good at all. My approach here is to be as Biblical as possible and to give a New Covenant evaluation of the matter. I trust it will be of use.
11 September 2015: 23 September 2015 - the end? 
A simple and quick paper to address the panic and speculation causing a frenzy on the religious web and various books and articles regarding eschatological events supposed to occur in the next week or so. Panic not, it is all nonsense, as usual. There is not going to be a secret rapture this month. Read the paper to see why.
10 September 2015: The nature of man 
A very important paper explaining the tripartite nature of man (trichotomy). This is a much debated issue in Reformed circles and one which is both misunderstood and ignored by many systematics completely. Sadly, it is spoken about in perfectionist and Charismatic writings where it is much debased and confused. Ironically, the details of the subject expounded here are absolutely vital in order to understand the practical aspects of sanctification. This is one reason why holiness is rarely seen these days. Very few understand what the heart is, where it is, what the old man is, what the new man is, what the difference between soul and spirit is etc. If teachers do not understand this, how can church members? I trust that this will be a help for you all. It is the result of several decades of study and meditation and I doubt you will see such an evaluation anywhere else.
9 September 2015: The coming economic collapse
This is a severe warning about the coming economic collapse. I know this is scary but it is not scaremongering. It is a warning to prepare for it sensibly. Most Christians have little clue about this and yet it will directly affect them. Being in the tribulation means there are difficult times ahead. We must deal with this faithfully.
This is a comment on the modern church apostasy as expounded in Psalm 74. Desecration of God's temple is nothing new and the principles of prayer and action are the same. We can learn from Asaph.
18 August 2015: Ghosts
A simple paper explaining what the Bible teaches about Ghosts. It needs little comment.
12 August 2015: Externalism
A paper showing how important the inner life of the believer is and how externalism rules in many churches today. Externalism produces dead works; communing with Christ leads to spiritual fruit. I trust it will be helpful.
A paper that seeks to provide a large number of reasons to believe in a young earth and a young cosmos. I have tried to keep these observations as simple as possible, but have given multiple references for further research. I trust this will help Christians becoming more confident in defending the faith.
This is a paper that explains how God's power is centred in the church on earth in these days. It is not a flamboyant expression of power but it is a great power. Christians need to understand what this power is and where it is centred.
31 July 2015: Branches for burning
A paper that gives the correct exposition of a much debated passage of Scripture which even many good expositors have got completely wrong. It explains what the 'branches' for burning really means. This is not a terribly obscure passage, it is a very important one for the modern church.
This is a practical paper that examines the situation that most of us face today, what do we do in the light of church apostasy? The normal advice given by leaders is far too shallow and fails to take into account God's prior will. Your holiness is God's prime concern and that must undergird your decisions.
Yet another novelty in the apostasy-ridden churches, using the term 'G-d' for God; supposedly out of respect. In fact it is due to adopting the superstitious attitudes of the Pharisees to word magic as taught by Talmudic rabbis. It is not reverential, it is a demonic deception. Oh that God's people would wake up and focus on his Word instead of the fables of men.
15 July 2015: Feminism
The best deceptions have a morsel of truth and, like scorpions, their biggest threat is at first hidden from victims. This describes feminism. While early achievements, such as equal pay for equal work, were righteous, the movement soon revealed its true colours - which represent an attack on God himself and a perversion of his law. Many sincere women have been led into appalling error, sin and wickedness by this movement, including being exposed to paganism and witchcraft. Despite this little is being said by church leaders, in the UK at least. You need to read this paper and be educated what feminism is really all about. It is pernicious.
7 July 2015: The name of, 'Jesus'
Have you been told that you must call Jesus by the name of Yeshua or even Yashua? Have you been confused as to what to think? Has the English church been wrong on this for 2,000 years? This is a pretty detailed paper explaining what you need to know and what the lies are, and even where they came from. Do not be confused, God is satisfied with you calling his Son, 'Jesus'.
This is an encyclopaedia of ways to identify false teachers in the church, of which there are many. Normally two or three characteristics will be sufficient to get a good idea, but this paper gives you the A to Z lowdown on how to spot dangerous elements in the churches. Never has this information been more necessary than today.
Huge numbers of churchgoers have been deceived about the subject of Jews and Judaism, and this has only occurred during the awful apostasy and deception that has developed in the last 150 years, an unprecedented falling away. This paper is a detailed exposition of what the Bible expressly teaches about Jews from cover to cover; indeed, most of the salient points rest chiefly on numerous Biblical quotes. I also explain modern Judaism and what it entails. This is important and sobering reading. It is necessary for you to keep yourself in the word of God on this issue.
This is a paper demonstrating the absolute vital importance of God's word and the huge privilege it is for man, alone in creation, to have possession of it. This gives us insight into God's mind and heart, allowing us to understand who God is, as well as what he desires of us. This being so, God's word is at the heart of all Satan's attacks on the church. I show a number of features of these attacks today. By being warned about these we can avoid losing focus on God's word to us.
5 June 2015: Pacifism?
This is often ignored in systematics and it is rarely expounded in any depth. More unusual is that most evangelical scholars have opted to deny absolute pacifism and accept violence in certain circumstances. I show that this is a big mistake.
A synopsis of the theological systems behind current UK church streams.
This paper has involved hundreds of hours of work and strives to be a thorough introduction to church history. The first edition was sent out to those on my e-mail address list in 2013. This edition has dozens of new pages and some updates. I believe this to be a thorough resource, in a concise fashion, of all you need to know. There is even a section on philosophy. Some sections form thorough summaries of major events in their own right, such as the Westminster Assembly or the development of the English Bible. I trust it will be of use.
16 May 2015: A Powerful Testimony
There are many preachers who claim to offer you success in five easy steps or some such nonsense.  There is no easy and simple way to spiritual success because it is all about character, and that comes through experience (often suffering) based on knowledge. This paper seeks to lay out essential Biblical matters that form the basis of a powerful testimony learned by hard experience. May it be of use.
12 May 2015: The Satanic Purpose
Believers urgently need to understand the eternal plan of God or they will fail to really understand theology and their part in God's purpose. Having done that, believers also need to understand what the plan of Satan is or they will fail to understand his devices against them and will end up serving him rather than God. Many Christians today actually serve the devil rather than God without even knowing it.This paper explains this and gives some examples. May it make you wise unto salvation.
These are my thoughts on the election. For those not interested in the UK election, there are some pertinent Biblical thoughts about involvement in politics in the conclusion.
29 April 2015: Life in the resurrection
This is a subject that is rarely discussed but one that forms the background to our hope. We should consider this. An exposition of what life is like in the new world. I trust it will be an encouragement.
With apologies to oversees subscribers, this paper simply lays out some important facts to consider regarding the upcoming UK election. I do not tell anyone how to vote but just give vital facts that you need to be aware of regarding two or three issues.
A paper showing that mere assent is not faith and that what is needed is a real meeting with God that results in divine grace to believe and repent. I fear that many church goers do not truly know God having only an intellectual acceptance of Christianity or an emotional response to church going. My hope is that such folk would read this and go on to seek God Biblically.
An apologetic for the historic subset of Christianity in Britain from the very earliest times. The current war against Christianity by politicians and the elite is really an attack on Britain itself.
26 March 2015: Loving God
A paper on a deep theological matter that is very practical. Loving God in Scripture is straightforward and down to earth. Yet many today elevate it to some mystical, metaphysical nonsense that is really just emotionalism. In a nutshell, lovers of God are those who obey his commandments. This paper shows you how.
A paper written to defend a wrongly criticised friend. The argument may give the reader helpful understanding about the matter (and debate) of law and grace.
A paper that is self explanatory. However, some people just do not grasp this at all. This issue must be grasped and acted upon or we ruin our testimony.