It is sometimes hard, even for assiduous Bible students, to accede that tongues have ceased if they have come from a Charismatic background. This catechism seeks to reduce earlier papers to a more concise form to help those seeking information.

Catechisms have always been an important aspect of training disciples until the modern age. This lack today is the reason why so many Christians are weak, uninformed and lack faith and conviction. While there is much benefit in the old catechisms, there is always a need in every age for a revision to meet the requirements of that age. For this reason I felt the Lord's constraint to write a new catechism to help modern people.

This is a diagram that contains the different interpretations of Rev 20:1-8, which mentions a 1,000-year (millennium) reign of saints with Christ before the end of all things.

Since there is still much confusion in the church about God's law, this is a very simple paper to explain it concisely. I have written on this many times but this is the simplest presentation I can manage.

A paper on the matter of both Reformed and Charismatic Dominionism. This is a growing problem, which in the US is now dominating the presidential candidates. It is something to be very wary of. The extreme Charismatic form is nothing but blasphemy and rebellion under the cover of supposedly seeking God's glory. In reality it is giving glory to men. These issues are serious - be warned.

A paper that does what it says. It gives a simple explanation of Biblical eschatology and a summary of the various views. I trust it will be helpful.

Do Christians follow the Law of Moses or the Law of Christ?

Salvation comes through grace to those who do not deserve it. God also gives rewards to those who do not deserve it. It is the overwhelming teaching of scripture. This is an explanation on the matter from a different angle as concise as possible compared to a detailed paper called "Rewards in Biblical Theology" on the same subject.